Wyoming Zero Reporting

From: Liz Wood liz.wood@wyo.gov

Good morning
As a reminder, as of 5/24/2023 Wyoming Rules and Regulations Chapter 8 of the Wyoming Controlled Substances Act was updated to require zero reporting. This is in effect for all pharmacies licensed in Wyoming. The submission guide is attached to this email with instructions. It is still worded as strongly encouraged and is being updated to reflect the rules changes that made it required.

For technical assistance, please refer to Bamboo Health’s help desk contact information also available in the guide.

Thank you

Liz Wood

PDMP Administrator
Wyoming State Board of Pharmacy
1712 Carey Avenue, Ste 200
Cheyenne, WY 82002
Telephone: 307-634-9636
Fax: 307-634-6335
Email: liz.wood@wyo.gov