VERMONT PRESCRIPTION MONITORING SYSTEM ASAP ELEMENT/FIELD REQUIREMENT CHANGES Thank you for your help making the Vermont Prescription Monitoring System (VPMS) a reliable clinical health support resource. Your continued support and cooperation help promote the appropriate use of controlled substances for legitimate medical purposes, while deterring prescription misuse, abuse, and diversion. This letter is to inform you of changes to the reporting of prescription data to the VPMS. These changes will take effect on September 13th, 2022. Please note that this is a revision of the original date for implementation of the 4.2B standard to allow for changeover during the week. Please review the new reporting requirements and ensure that your uploading vendor is also familiar with any changes. If files are not uploaded in 4.2B on September 13th, all prescriptions will be rejected as errors. Some of the modifications to be aware of include: • DSP17 – Date Sold – is now a required field. This field is used to determine the date the prescription left the pharmacy, not the date it was filled, if the dates differ. • Clarifications to zero reports compliance include that zero reports are not to be submitted as a stop-gap until prescriptions are uploaded; rather, they should only be used to designate days when there legitimately were no prescriptions dispensed. All other changes and current requirements are outlined in the VPMS Data Submission Guide for Dispensers, v2.2. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about these new requirements. Very best regards, Hannah Mason Hauser, MSW Vermont Prescription Monitoring System (VPMS) Manager [Phone] 802.922.7600 [Email]