Utah: May 1st Gabapentin will become a Schedule V

From: CS Database BR csd@utah.gov
Date: Thu, Apr 25, 2024 at 11:54 AM
Subject: Attention Active Utah RxGov Submitters: Gabapentin
To: CS Database BR csd@utah.gov


As an additional reminder to this group, in case you had not received previous emails, Gabapentin will become a Schedule V in Utah beginning on May 1st.

The RxGov portal (utpdmp.rxgov.com) will require a valid DEA number from the correct prescriber.

After the 1st, please do not use the codes REFER-SL# or REFER-NPI in the PRE02 field.

Utah CSD Staff
Division of Professional Licensing
Department of Commerce

(T) 801-530-6220
(F) 801-530-6315
Email: csd@utah.gov

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