Maryland Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP) Dispensing Updates

Dear Pharmacists and Maryland PDMP Data Uploaders:

We wanted to let you know of some updates and reminders from the Maryland PDMP. Thanks so much for working hard to make the PDMP a vital tool for healthcare providers!

We have updated the Maryland PDMP RxGov Data Submitter Reference Guide with the below changes:

  • PRE01 National Provider Identifier (NPI): Removed the direction: “If a provider does not have an NPI, then it is recommended to populate PRE01 with the 10 digit Prescriber Phone Number.” We only want the NPI number in this field, not a phone number, when a non-controlled substance is uploaded and when you do not provide a prescriber’s DEA number.
  • Manual Prescription Entry with the Universal Claims Form (UCF): Interface has been updated with intuitive logic for smoother data entry.

Catching and correcting errors: We have improved the validation for the below date fields, so prescription entries with the below conditions will cause an error or warning:

  • PAT18 Patient Date of Birth: if the patient’s date of birth is in the future, the prescription will cause an error which means that it will not be uploaded to the PDMP. Errors need to be corrected within 3 business days. If a date of birth indicates an age over 120 years old, a warning will occur.
  • DSP05 Date Filled , DSP17 Date Sold, & DSP03 Date Written: All of these dates are required, and the prescription will not upload to the PDMP if they are missing. Also, if these dates are in the future, they will cause an error and the prescription will not upload. All errors must be corrected within 3 business days. If one of these dates is five years in the past, a warning will occur.

REMINDER regarding DSP02 Prescription Number: You MUST create a unique prescription number for each prescription. If you use the same prescription number for a “new” prescription, it will OVERWRITE the “old” prescription with the same prescription number. This scenario has the potential of happening more often with practitioner dispensers vs. pharmacy dispensers who have an automated system for creating prescription numbers.

Naloxone data collection: As of July 20, 2023, all dispensers that dispense controlled substances, must also submit naloxone prescriptions to the PDMP. If you have not submitted naloxone dispenses since July 20, 2023, you can catch up by uploading the naloxone dispenses to be in compliance.

Please forward any questions to


Maryland Office of the Prescription Drug Monitoring Program

Maryland Department of Health