ASAP changes Dec 2022

ASAP is in the process of making changes based on requests/feedback. Here are the changes so far. There is another session on 12/27/2022 to consider the rest of the requests. If you have any issues or comments about these changes, please respond to this thread so that Travis StJohn at Logicoy can let the ASAP folks know.

  1. PHA15 Mail Order Pharmacy (Optional) to identify the submitter as mail order will be added. 01 Yes 02 No.
  2. PAT22 Country of Non-U.S. Resident (Optional) will have the description revised to read: The line of an international patient address MUST contain only the COUNTRY name and MUST be written in full (no abbreviations) and SHOULD be in capital letters. Information should be reported according to United States Postal Service Publication 28-Postal Addressing Standards or the most recently published version of the ONC Project US@ Technical Specification for Patient Address.
  3. PAT23 Name of Animal (Optional) will have the description revised. Delete “and the pharmacist has access to this information at the time of preparing the prescription.”
  4. PAT26 Patient Type (Optional) a new field proposed will not be added. Subsequent PAT fields will be re-numbered.
  5. PAT27 Patient Race Category (Optional) a new field proposed will be added but will not reference “use of current CDC code set” and code 06 will be changed to read “multi-racial,” and code 99 will be added for Other/Unknown.
  6. PAT28 Patient Ethnicity (Optional) a new field proposed will be added but will not reference “use of current CDC code set” and a code 99 will be added for Undisclosed/Unknown.
  7. VPT – Veterinary Patient Segment, a new segment proposed will be revisited on the next call. There was no resolution on adding this segment. This will be discussed again on the next call.
  8. DSP03 Date Written (Required) will not be changed to Date Issued. The field size will be increased to 4 digits. Same for DSP06 Fill Number (Required), 4 digits.
  9. DSP08 Product ID (Required) will have description changed to read: Full product identification as indicated in DSP07, including leading zeros without punctuation. If DSP07 = 01, then DSP08 should contain the 11-digit NDC without hyphens.
  10. DSP12 Transmission Form of Rx Origin Code (Optional) will have code 07 Order (Administered at a prescriber location) added and code 08 added for Dispensed from a prescriber location. Code 09 Standing Order/Protocol and 99 Other will be added.

ASAP PDMP Workgroup
Proposed Changes to V4.2B
January 5, 2023
Bill Lockwood, Executive Director, ASAP

Kevin Borcher, VP PDMP & Pharmacy Programs, CyncHealth
Summary of Results

Purpose: To improve the quality and scope of data reported to PDMPs.

Correction to December 13 summary:

It was incorrectly stated that DSP03 Date Written and DSP06 Fill Number would be increased to 4 digits. DSP03 is currently 8 digits and will not change. DSP06 is currently 2 digits and will increase to 4 digits.

Summary of January 5 call:

It was decided that a Veterinary Segment would not be added. However, the proposed fields 24 and 25 would be added to the PAT Segment to capture the Veterinary Species Code (PAT24) and Animal Location Code (PAT 25).
PAT 24 Veterinary Species Code
01 Cat/feline
02 Dog Canine
03 Small Animal (hamster, rabbit other rodent)
04 Reptile
05 Bird
06 Livestock, Large Animal
99 Other

PAT25 Animal Location Code
01 Home
02 Animal Shelter
03 Foster
04 Farm
05 Zoo
06 Circus/Traveling Show
99 Other

DSP17 Date Sold changed to Optional from Situational and the description clarified to read: This field is used to determine the date the prescription was dispensed (sold to, picked up by, or otherwise left the pharmacy), not the date it was prepared.
DSP24 Change field name to Opioid Treatment Type. The codes now in place will remain.
There was discussion about adding a code for Cannabis, but it was decided it would be better to add a code 07 to DSP07 Product ID Qualifier for Cannabis. Therefore, code 07 for Cannabis will be added to DSP07.
DSP25 Diagnosis Code. It was the decision not to include the decimal point as proposed, since this would be stripped out by the PDMPs.
New fields proposed dealing with Time Issued, Time Filled, Time Sold, and Refills Remaining will be the pickup point on the next call.

Thanks & Regards,

Travis St. John | Chief Compliance Officer
Cell: 334-322-5725